
Setting Season Highlights: Your Guide to Summer Guest Experiences

The countdown to summer is on – the perfect time to revamp your offerings and captivate your guests with tailor-made summer experiences.

Maren Menzel

Customer Success

Are your experiences ready for the summer?

Now is the ideal moment to spruce up your offerings. By strategically presenting your unique experiences, you not only sharpen your profile but also appear more attractive to potential customers at first glance.

The perfect overall vacation experience

And where better to convey the perfect vacation experience than with your highlight experience stream right on your homepage? This is the ideal place to immediately enchant visitors and convince them with your irresistible summer vacation mix.

Let yourself be inspired

We have prepared many summer experiences to inspire you. Now it´s your turn to create your individual summer highlights to stand out from the competition. Remember: A compelling and convincing presentation of your experiences can be another reason for booking and can accelerate the decision-making process of your potential customers.

Three tips for your summer planning

  1. Create at least 3 individual summer experience highlights for your guests. Think about what makes your offer special – whether it’s a romantic sundowner meadow picnic, a genuine farm experience to get involved in, or a vintage exploration tour through the old town.
  2. Make the experiences tangible for your guests by making them directly requestable and bookable. This means that you have entered specific dates for registration or availability for individual requests.
  3. Showcase your summer highlights wherever you want to convince potential guests. Use your homepage, your offers, but also our automatic interfaces to Google Places, Facebook, and Pinterest to score with your experiences.

With these tips, you are well-prepared to use the summer months successfully and provide your guests with unforgettable experiences. Start now and make this summer something very special for you and your guests!

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