Similar experiences

Similar experiences, endless inspiration

One highlight to match another

No matter through which channel (Google, Social Media etc.) your guests access your experience, via our feature function "Similar Experiences" your guests will be informed directly in the experience about your other experiences that match the theme.

Categories that create similar experiences

Simply enter an appropriate category for each experience. All experiences with the same category will then automatically appear under "Similar experiences".

Make your experiences visible to the world!

start for free, no payment data required.

30 days free trial

The integration of the experiences on our website and also in Re:Guest is indispensable for us. This way, our guests can see which experiences they can expect from us in the prestay mailing before they arrive or even before they make their booking decision. If an experience needs to be adjusted at short notice, it is quick and easy.

Julia Jäger

Wirthshof: Hotel & Campingplatz am Bodensee

Ilona Konzack


Already after our first meeting it was obvious that Giggle.Tips is the best way to make our experiences and packages visible and bookable for our guests in a clear and simple way.

Karin Pfeifenberger

Schloss Leopoldskron