Request Management

Efficient management made easy. Get requests in no time

Making requests fun

Simply define the most important settings once and your experience will automatically be directly requestable by your guests.

Individual availabilities

Easily store availabilities and define break times if necessary.

Flexible registration deadline

Decide how far in advance you want the guests to request your experience.

Dynamic request form

Specify which fields are mandatory in the request form and define custom fields if needed.

Email notifications for requests

Decide per experience who should receive the request information and have the appropriate department or local partner follow up on the individual request.

Overview of requests

Find an overview of all received requests in the CMS at any time.Here you can also send individual messages to the guest and cancel requests.

Make your experiences visible to the world!

start for free, no payment data required.

30 days free trial

The integration of the experiences on our website and also in Re:Guest is indispensable for us. This way, our guests can see which experiences they can expect from us in the prestay mailing before they arrive or even before they make their booking decision. If an experience needs to be adjusted at short notice, it is quick and easy.

Julia Jäger

Wirthshof: Hotel & Campingplatz am Bodensee

Ilona Konzack


Already after our first meeting it was obvious that Giggle.Tips is the best way to make our experiences and packages visible and bookable for our guests in a clear and simple way.

Karin Pfeifenberger

Schloss Leopoldskron