
The key to more bookings: We reveal our experience hacks

In just 5 minutes, we'll explain what really matters when it comes to your experiences if you want to delight your customers and boost your revenue.

Tobias Schrott


The four most booked types of experiences

The foundation of your success lies in offering the right experiences. Quality should always take precedence over quantity. So, don't overwhelm your guests with an abundance of information and tips; instead, focus on carefully selected, unique highlights that truly align with your business.

1. Culinary experiences

A must-have in your offering should be at least one or two "culinary experiences" such as tastings, breakfast baskets, or private dining experiences—whether in an alpine setting, a garden, or under the starry night sky.

2. Active & sports experiences

You should also share two or three selected sports and activity offerings through Giggle.tips. Whether from your weekly program or in collaboration with local partners, it's crucial that these offerings align with your strengths and can be booked through registration or inquiry.

3. Magical moments

Additionally, consider offering "Magical Moments." These are extra services that provide guests with special moments. They can include birthday surprises, a telescope for stargazing, picnics with e-bikes, painting kits, or many other small extras that guests can book upon request.

4. Relaxation & spa experiences

For those offering relaxation and spa services, make selected massages and private experiences like a hot tub, a sauna for two, or a meditation class available upon request to your guests.

The Giggle Revenue Formula

Now that you have offerings that are likely to be booked, aim to make as many of them bookable or available for inquiry as possible. As a general rule of thumb for Giggle, remember that at least 50% of your experiences should be bookable and, of course, available.

Download our Experience Checklist here

Visibility - But where and how?

1. Website

Your website remains the foundation of your experience communication. Therefore, it's incredibly important that you have integrated your experiences in a way that potential guests can quickly and easily find them:

  • Feature a stream of your highlight experiences as an eye-catcher on your homepage.
  • Include a direct link, with an additional button, just below the highlight experiences, leading to your experiences subpage with all the streams.
  • Always position the experience streams in the upper third of the page.
  • Promote your bookable and paid experiences within the stream.

2. Email Marketing

Optimally integrate your experiences into your guest emails, increasing not only the likelihood of bookings but also boosting upselling in booking confirmations and arrival emails.

  • If you use traditional email for guest communication, make sure to use emotional experience images and a clear call-to-action that provides a visible and emotional link to your experience offerings. A simple link to the experiences page won't suffice here.
  • If you use a correspondence tool, embed interactive experience widgets directly into your templates. Ensure they are not hidden behind closed containers but are visible and accessible to guests.

3. On-Site

Even after a guest has booked, it's essential to show them what makes their stay special on-site. However, if you hide your experiences behind a QR code on the back of a menu or similar, don't be surprised if guests never find them during their vacation and opt not to book any additional activities.

What consistently works here is:

  • Hand over an experience ticket proactively at check-in, along with a digital or physical room key. Explain to the guest that they can find and book all offers and experiences here to make their stay truly exceptional. There's no better way to boost your upselling and guest loyalty.
  • Create additional touchpoints by setting your experience page (WebApp) as the homepage in your Wi-Fi, using digital signage solutions, or utilizing our printed weekly program.

4. Google Places, Pinterest & Facebook

One last piece of advice: Share your experiences where people first find you online. With Giggle.tips, you can automate this on Google Places, Facebook, and Pinterest.

Download the Experience Checklist here.

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